Covid-19 Vaccine Collection

A simple way to manage and track Covid-19 vaccination status.
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Your Return-to-Workplace Plan Made Easier

As Covid-19 continues to be present in our everyday life, organizations are now challenged on how to reopen offices safely without compromising on the well-being of their employees and customers. To help ease the burden, Sterling Backcheck has created a Covid-19 Vaccine Collection service, designed to help organizations bring employees back to the office safely and efficiently.

A manager woman of color chatting with a male coworker in a warehouse. Both are wearing masks.

We Do the Work So You Can Focus on Your Business

Whether you’re looking to bring back a handful of employees or the entire office, Sterling Backcheck can help with the heavy lifting of vaccine record collection. In addition, we’ll make sure that all personal information is gathered safely and securely.

How it Works

The Covid-19 Vaccine Collection service will utilize the eConsent candidate experience to collect the candidate’s consent and if provided, a copy of their documentation of vaccination against Covid-19.
Step 1: Individual declares whether they’re fully vaccinated and is asked to upload a copy of their provincial Covid-19 immunization passport/card.
Step 2: Sterling Backcheck reviews the name and its match with the vaccination documentation.
Step 3: Sterling Backcheck notifies the requesting organization upon successful collection and can make the document viewable upon request.
Learn more
Sterling Backcheck iPad Demo

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